How to make a donation offer

The priority needs of the Ukrainian energy sector have been submitted to the BMWK in tabular form. Please check the table. If you do not already have it via your association, please request it from the EP Secretariat at the email address provided for this purpose: helpenergyukraine(at) If you are able and willing to provide some of the listed goods as donations, please send details of your donation to the EP Secretariat using the Excel template.
Implementation partner
The donation campaign is supported by the Secretariat of the German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership on behalf of the BMWK. The Secretariat is being managed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). For the implementation of the donation campaign, GIZ cooperates with the Ukrainian NGO "Go Local". In close exchange with GIZ, Go Local supports the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy in matching donation offers and handles transport from the Ukrainian border.
Process Details
- Donation offer
- Please send donation offers to the EP Secretariat at
- Match-Making
- EP Secretariat forwards donation offers to the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy. The Ministry of Energy confirms the fit of the donation and determines a recipient.
- Queries from the Ukrainian side can be clarified with the support of the Ukrainian partner organization Go Local.
- Confirmation & preparation of the transport
- The EP Secretariat notifies the donor company of the confirmation.
- Together with the donor company, the EP Secretariat prepares the necessary documents for the transport to Ukraine and makes the customs declaration.
- Further transportation to Ukraine and delivery to final recipients:
- The Ukrainian partner organization takes over donations at the hub at the border and arranges delivery to the final recipient in Ukraine.
Emergency Energy Needs List for Ukraine