In August 2020 Germany and Ukraine consolidated their cooperation in the fields of energy efficiency, modernisation of the electricity and heating sector, expansion of renewable energies and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by signing a Joint Declaration of Intent.
The German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership (EP) provides a general framework for political dialogue in the energy sector on both sides to make cooperation on energy and climate issues even more effective.
Since the morning of February 24th, most of the Ukrainian territory is under attack by Russian military forces. In many cases, bombings are targeting energy infrastructure. Thermal power plants (TPPs), cogeneration or combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) and electrical substations are still being shelled in central, western, eastern, southern parts of Ukraine, and there is a risk that whole cities could be left without a stable electricity and heat supply for several days.
After the start of the war, the German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership swiftly focused on providing emergency assistance to the Ukrainian energy sector and supporting Ukraine in following areas: The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is financing and procuring technical equipment needed to repair and maintain the electricity grid operated by Ukrenergo.
Further, the BMWK supports Ukraine in eneabling electricity exports to the EU by the procurement of STATCOMs (Static Synchronous Compensators), which are needed for ensuring stability of an energy system.
First donations by German energy associations and companies have already arrived in Ukraine. More than 30 German companies generously responded to the request by the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine (MinEnergo) and offered valuable equipment as donations. These contributions will be used to repair and maintain electricity grids, gas grids and other critical energy infrastructure. Further deliveries are constantly being prepared and transported to regions in need. The German-Ukrainian Energy Secretariat, implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, coordinates the campaign as well as the logistical chain for the transport of the donations.
To prepare the upcoming heating season, experts from the German Energy Agency (dena) together with Ukrainian heating specialist advise and support the Ukrainian government on measures for the rapid restoration of district heating systems destroyed by Russian attacks. They identify technical solutions enabling the rapid restoration of heat supply to large residential buildings.
Funds from the BMWK-funded “Just transition project for Ukraine’s coal regions” implemented by GIZ, are redirected to support relocated businesses in the pilot town of Chervonohrad, creating new jobs for displaced persons.
Development of renewable energy sources continues despite the challenging conditions: dena is supporting the Transmission System Operator UkrEnergo with capacity building for the integration of RES into the grid and meeting ENTSO-E-requirements. Moreover, with dena support, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine is developing a regulatory framework for sustainable biomethane production.
Moreover, the Energy Partnership supports temporarily displaced Ukrainian female energy experts by enabling them to access the German labour market within the initiative „Women in Energy United for Ukraine“.
To support the sustainable recovery of Ukraine in the energy sector, the Energy Partnership, beside the above mentioned activities, contributes to discussions with national and international experts on the subject.